
I've seen this non compliancy. In TC 7.042 and 7.0.72. How, who can fix 
this ?

The case is related to web-fragment loading and SCI initialization.
In Tomcat 7.0.42 and 7.0.72 at least, SCI (with @HandlesTypes 
annotation) are initialized web-fragments per web-fragments, with the 
classes previously discovered (in the WEB-INF/classes and previous 
processed jars). This means @HandlesTypes classes implementation located 
in web-fragments loaded after the one having the SCI are not provided to 
the SCI:onStartup method.
The specification (8.2.4: onStartup method get's a Set of Classes) here 
is not clear, but we would expect having all classes, not only an 
"undefined" set of classes.
A possible solution is a three steps initialization:
- discover all SCI classes and their @HandlesTypes in all web-fragments
- discover all @HandlesTypes implementation classes in all web-fragments
- initialize SCI


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