Hi all -

I'm running Tomcat 5.5.17 and having problems with redeploying a web app on the fly (during development I hate taking the server up and down a hundred times).

autodeploy=true unpackWARs=true

I copy"cards.war" to the appbase via an Ant script, it's picked up, unpacked and deployed correctly.

I re-copy "cards.war" to the appbase via Ant again, and when Tomcat attempts to first remove the current /cards directory under the appbase, it cannot delete three of my JARs under WEB-INF/lib. Becasue of this, it does not redeploy cards.war as it should and I'm stuck with a webapp in a useless state. The same thing also happens if I use the TCD ant scripts to "stop" the webapp, then "undeploy" the webapp, the "redeploy" the webapp, etc. - basically any combination of those scripts yields the same results.

So here is the real question. I'm using Struts and the libraries that don't get removed are "strust.jar", "commons-validation.jar" and "commons-digester.jar". For some reason Tomcat must be hanging onto a reference to classes in these libraries. If I simply use Explorer in Windows to try to delete them it says the files are in use. Once I bring the server down, no problem. I've also tried throwing these JARs into a different section of the classloader (shared or common) and then my application gives a bunch of NoClassDef errors when it loads and tries to init Log4j, Struts, etc.

Any thoughts on why Tomcat can't undeploy this application? What references are outstanding that I could somehow clean up? I'm only at the beginning of my app devleopment and just trying to get the build going, so the XML config files I'm attempting to load (which I think have something to do with this because of the libraries in question) are quite minimal. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


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