
I have Custom SharedClassLoader in Tomcat 7 to load shared library jars,
which is used by different applications in that tomcat. We migrated to
Tomcat 9, now it is not working. How to achieve the same functionality in
tomcat 9.

In Tomcat 9 it expects resources to be passed. I don't find any sample Code
on how to populate resources.

I tried like below

public CustomSharedClassLoader(ClassLoader parent) throws Exception {
//The below three lines are added by me to work for Tomcat 9.
        StandardRoot standardRoot = new StandardRoot();
        standardRoot.addPreResources(new DirResourceSet());
        setResources(standardRoot);// End for tomcat 9 changes.

        for (URL urlForJars : getClassPath(SHARED_LIB)) {

It didn't work.

public class CustomSharedClassLoader extends WebappClassLoader{//Which
takes shared folder libarary, it returns those classes.}



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