Dear Joan,

by use of the common scripts, the file  catalina.out  will contain the console 
output (stdout/tderr) of the *JVM* process and -- if not configured in another 
way -- of the applications. Therefore, you have to deal with the features of 
output formatting of current JVMs. Or -- as me -- you might pipe this file 
descriptors through a tiny script that will prepend a timestamp in a format of 
your choice. This will have the advantage that it also handle "console" output 
of Java application; despite of the fact that using stdout/stderr instead of a 
java logging mechanism is a very bad style.

If you don't need to process thousands of lines per second, a simple shell 
script may do the job:

        while read line; do echo "`date -Ins` $line"; done

To avoid "double-stamping", you may add an heuristic check of the incoming 
line; please adjust the RegExpr to your neeeds

        while read line; do [[ ! "$line" =~ ^\d\d\d\d ]] && echo -n "[`date 
-Ins`] "; echo $line; done


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