
I have Tomcat 9.0.21 installed (binary distribution) on an Ubuntu 16.04 server. 
My Java version is OpenJDK 11.0.4. I have the JSVC built and run the dameon.sh 
script to start and stop Tomcat via a systemd script. Everything works great, 
but now I need to run it on port 80 & 443. On our old server we have a script 
we use, but it doesn’t work upon startup (due to the needing to use sudo to get 
privileges to bind to port 80). For this new build, I was hoping to streamline 
the process and have Tomcat start upon boot. I’ve been doing a lot of Google 
searching on binding port 80 on Tomcat, but most of what I found was for older 
versions. Here’s what I found:

  *   Use iptables to redirect 8080 to 80
  *   Proxy with NGINX or Apache
  *   Use authbind

I’d rather not use iptables to redirect as (from what I understand) you still 
have to allow direct access to port 8080.

I tried using authbind, but I could not get it to work. All the procedures I 
found were for older versions of Tomcat, so I don’t know if authbind will even 
work with Tomcat 9.

Finally my questions-

  1.  Has anyone successfully used authbind with Tomcat 9?
  2.  Anything I’m missing with getting Tomcat to bind with port 80? Should I 
just bite the bullet and use an HTTP proxy?

Thank you!

Ralph Arbelo
Library IT Services - River Campus Libraries
University of Rochester
121B Rush Rhees Library, Rochester, NY 14627
o: 585.275.3449 - f: 585.275.1032

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