Thank you all for the suggestions.

Based on the documentation, my setup should work: The server certificate
is already processed and accepted (I know that because I could not get
it right at the first try). The driver is supposed to work with a PEM
certificate and a pkcs-8 DER encoded key, and those what I supply to it.

The problem seems to be that the java installation (openjdk-11) does not
have a cryptographic security provider understanding a specific oid.
What I understand is that BouncyCastle have that security provider, and
I should be able to configure it somewhere either in the java setup or
I have already tried in the java setup, but the documented way did not
seem to work.
I have no idea how to configure it in Tomcat datasource, this is why I
have asked here.
The other reason is to see whether anyone have a similar setup: if so,
then someone already dealt with same problem, and I should like to see how.

It's true that it seems to be a pgjdbc related problem: it does not work
with directly jdbc calls. I am trying to get help from the jdbc guys,
this is why I have an open issue there:

On 10/22/19 6:10 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Arpad,
> On 10/22/19 12:19, logo wrote:
>>>>>> I have the following in context.xml:
>>>>>>          <Resource name="jdbc/users" auth="Container"
>>>>>>            type="javax.sql.DataSource"
>>>>>> driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver"
>>>>>> url="jdbc:postgresql://;sslmode=verify-ca"
>>>>>>            username="market" maxTotal="20" maxIdle="10"
>>>>>>            maxWaitMillis="-1"/>
>>>>>> I have this in ~tomcat/.postgresql:
>>>>>> root@market:/var/lib/tomcat9/.postgresql# ls -lL
>>>>>> total 11
>>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root   root 4597 Oct 21 12:49 postgresql.crt
>>>>>> -r-------- 1 tomcat root 1329 Oct 21 17:40 postgresql.pk8
>>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root   root 1493 Oct 21 12:49 root.crt
> The documentation for the driver[1] is a little unclear, but it seems
> that you can indeed specify the location of the client certificate
> using sslcert=/path/to/cert and sslkey=/path/to/key connection
> parameters. Their defaults are ${user.home}/.postgresql/postgresql.crt
> and ${user.home}/.postgresql/postgresql.pk8 (and
> ${user.home}/.postgresql/root.crt for the root certificate).
> So I think those settings should be working.
> Under the notes in [1], it says:
> "
> If you are using Java's default mechanism (not LibPQFactory) to create
> the SSL connection you will need to make the server certificate
> available to Java, the first step is to convert it to a form Java
> understands.
> "
> I'm not sure what LibPQFactory is, but you may have to convert to
> PKCS12/JKS and use their process to use those certificates.
> The documentation suggests that you will need to start your JVM with
> specific system properties to make your connection. IMO this is a
> terrible bug because it means you can't configure these things on a
> per-connection basis. The documentation is also incomplete because
> they only tell you how to configure a trust store (to trust the
> server) and not how to configure the key store (which contains your
> client certificate). The correct system properties to use for a key
> store are:
>  (path to keystore)
> (password for keystore)
> (type of keystore, PKCS12, JCEKS, JKS, etc.)
> At this point, all of your questions should be directed to the
> PostgreSQL community since it's the driver you are having trouble
> configuring. It appears that Tomcat is working as expected and you
> just need help with the driver configuration.
> Hope that helps,
> -chris
> [1]
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