Thank you for your response...

We run multiple servers for our application.

We have a configuration as follows:
        1. Portal ... running tomcat 7.0_45 and java 7... this is the outward 
facing running jetspeed.  This is the server throwing the errors
        2. Tomcat ... running tomcat 7.0_45 and java 7... this is our back-end 
business logic server
        3. Mule .. enterprise service bus broker ... no tomcat running java 7
        4. AiM .. our ERP software from a third party  ... runing tomcat_9 and 
java 11

We cannot upgrade Java at this point, because of an old third party application 
running on the portal.  It requires Java 7.  
We are currently exploring new packages to replace it, but this will take some 
time to finalize.

I've attached the catalina log showing the error.  The error appears on startup 
of Tomcat.

I tried to replace the annotation_api.jar with a newer version, somewhere on 
the web, it was posted that replacing this jar file with a new version solved 
his problem; which was simular to mine.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Thomas <> 
Sent: Monday, December 9, 2019 5:17 AM
Subject: Re: Tomcat is throwing an error Invalid byte tag in constant pool:19

On 09/12/2019 00:57, Nelligan, Steven M wrote:
> I am trying to rebuild my applications and all of a sudden, I am getting the 
> following error:
> Our backend application (from third party has been updated) It is using Java 
> 11.

You'll need at least 7.0.88 for Java 11 support.

> When I first tried this a couple of weeks ago... I needed up trying to 
> upgrade Tomcat to the latest release of 7.0_94

That is what I would recommend (or latest 8.5.x / 9.0.x but that is probably 
changing too much in one go).

> Everything started to fall apart, the javax modules were failing, etc.  I 
> finally realized I was chasing my tail.
> Every time I got one thing working, two more broke.
> Restored everything back and went through the rebuild.

You are going to have to try this again. Can I suggest you post the first error 
you see here and we can try and talk you through fixing it.

> I tried to copy the annotation_api.jar file from Tomcat 7.0_94 into tomcat 
> 7.0_45 but nothing would deploy...

Why do that?


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