On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 4:36 PM Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 10/12/2019 14:27, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> <snip/>
> > Would using org.apache.catalina.connector.RECYCLE_FACADES=true have
> > made this problem go away? Or would the behavior have been the same,
> > just less dangerous?
> I think it would have triggered some NPEs in the background thread.
> > I'm wondering if Tomcat could or should have another safety feature to
> > help catch this sort of thing in development. In all my development
> > environments, I have the JDBC connection pool size set to a fixed
> > maximum of 1 connection. This means that any potential deadlocks in
> > the application due to sloppy connection-management will cause pretty
> > early because we'll get pool-fetch timeouts, missing-return-connection
> > errors, etc.
> >
> > Request object reuse has a measurable positive effect on performance
> > in production,
> It would be worth confirming that is still the case for the Request and
> Response objects. I suspect it is but it would be good to get some
> recent, hard data.

It would generate more GC per request and it is measurably slower on a best
case scenario with a static file (the worst would be starting to use
charsets and char input/output, or "large" Servlet buffers - the default is
8KB but people often increase it).

Quick test: add request = null; line 305 of CoyoteAdapter. -10% with ab -k
on tomcat.gif

> > but in development probably doesn't matter quite so
> > much. In the same way that WebappClassLoader becomes inert when the
> > application has been stopped, perhaps we could "shut-down" request /
> > response / session objects that have been loaned to a
> > request-processor thread.
> >
> > Something like this:
> I'm not sure why we need this over and above the RequestFacade object.


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