
1) Does it make sense to call ServletRequest#getInputStream after
ServletRequest#getReader? No, and consequently it will throw
2) Does it make sense to call ServletRequest#getInputStream after
ServletRequest#getPart/s? No, but it returns an empty stream instead of
throwing IllegalStateException.

These behaviours are not consistent.

Best regards,

  "blog" :

On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 4:31 AM Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> André,
> On 12/10/19 16:47, André Warnier (tomcat/perl) wrote:
> > On 10.12.2019 15:31, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> >> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256
> >>
> >> Behrang,
> >>
> >> On 12/8/19 05:18, Behrang Saeedzadeh wrote:
> >>> If I call javax.servlet.ServletRequest#getInputStream after
> >>> having called javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#getPart,
> >>> even without performing any operations on the given part, I am
> >>> getting an empty stream (0-bytes).
> >>>
> >>> Is this in compliance with the spec?
> >>
> >> What does the servlet spec say about that situation?
> >>
> >
> > A bit in defense of the OP, I have to say that the Servlet Spec
> > (4.0 final) does not seem extremely clear on that subject.
> While I appreciate your research activities, I was hoping the OP would
> actually read the spec to get some clarification.
> > In section "3.1.1 When Parameters Are Available", it /does/ say
> > this :
> >
> > "If the conditions are met, post form data will no longer be
> > available for reading directly from the request object’s input
> > stream."
> >
> > But among those conditions that have to be met (just above that
> > quote) is "4. The servlet has made an initial call of any of the
> > "getParameter family" of methods on the request object."
> >
> > (So there, it talks about "the getParameter family", not the
> > "getPart" ones).
> >
> > It only talks about the "getPart" methods in the next section "3.2
> > File upload", and in that section, all it says about the input
> > stream is : "If the servlet container does not provide the
> > multi-part/form-data processing, the data will be available through
> > the HttpServletReuqest.getInputStream."
> >
> > So the way I read this, is that there is nothing that explicitly
> > says that the InputStream is no longer available if you have called
> > "getPart".
> The only reason the container would process multi-part/form-data
> requests is if you called request.getPart*. Therefore, the InputStream
> is no longer available.
> > (It is also in fact not very clear about what happens to the
> > parameters, when the content-type of the Request is
> > "multipart/form-data", which is only mentioned in section 3.2.)
> Normal parameters are available via request.getParameter*. You can
> also go through the agony of getPart("foo").getInputStream() if you'd
> like. This is documented in section 3.2 "File Upload".
> > On the other hand,
> > -->
> > Interface HttpServletRequest says :
> >
> > Part getPart(java.lang.String name) throws,
> > ServletException Gets the named Part or null if the Part does not
> > exist. *Triggers upload of all Parts*. (emphasis mine)
> >
> > which /may/ be taken to mean (and probably does) that it consumes
> > the whole InputStream.
> It does. And, necessarily, it must. You can't find out what's in the
> request entity without ... reading the request entity.
> > But again, this may be lacking some overall clarity.
> >
> > In any case, the OP's question is not really unwarranted, unless
> > there is some other explanation somewhere which I have missed.
> I guess to me this falls under the category of "obvious", but then
> again I know quite a bit about this subject.
> - -chris
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
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> =fdap
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