
maybe this getting offtopic.

> Am 07.01.2020 um 18:58 schrieb Mark Thomas <>:
> On 07/01/2020 16:22, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> <snip/>
>> Since the Host header seems to be special in this regard (i.e. there
>> is no prohibition against multiple Accept headers), might we be
>> willing to interpret the spec in a slightly less strict manner?
>> "
>> A server MUST respond with a 400 (Bad Request) status code to any
>> HTTP/1.1 request message that lacks a Host header field and to any
>> request message that contains more than one Host header field [[WITH A
>> CONFLICTING VALUE]]] or a Host header field with an invalid field-value.
>> "
>> So a request with:
>> Host:
>> Host:
>> Would be okay, while:
>> Host:
>> Host:
>> Would return a 400 response?
> Not sure.
> The usual concern with multiple headers is that a reverse proxy uses
> one, the back-end uses another and you get unexpected behaviour that may
> result in some sort of information leak - i.e. a vulnerability. That
> shouldn't apply here since the values are the same.
> Experience suggests that being more relaxed about parsing an HTTP
> request that the specification requires is likely to result - at some
> point in the future - with a vulnerability report.

> In this instance I can image some other server somehow merging the two
> header values and - essentially - treating it as a different value to
> Tomcat. That could lead to a similar information disclosure as above.

I didn’t think that far! However, if they are the same and tomcat would also 
have to respond to the given host, that would be extremely unlikely...

> The usual counter argument is that there is no vulnerability if the
> other server is spec compliant. But the same is true if Tomcat is spec
> compliant.
> I certainly wouldn't support this behaviour by default.


> Making the behaviour configurable is possible so it could be enabled
> when necessary and safe to do so (i.e. clients connecting directly to
> Tomcat). That then gets you to the question how complex would this be to
> implement and is that complexity justified by the benefit it brings?
Just thinking how to handle “n” Host headers at various locations in the 
request... 8-0

> At this point, I'm not sure.
> So far we are looking at a feature required by a single user to handle
> clearly non-spec compliant clients. I lean more towards a custom
> protocol / processor implementation when a single user is affected.
That’s true.

Could this be a documented “extra”? Like a drop-in Jar?


> Mark
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