On 08/01/2020 21:39, logo wrote:


>> I have confirmed that this updated key then works cleanly with both the
>> OpenSSL and JSSE TLS implementations.
> Felix already suggested that. I've tried it and at first it looks good. 
> Connector starts and serves the ECDSA cert.

Sorry I missed that. It was late and I was trying to do things too quickly.

> Please see the last two emails with the findings of the testssl.sh scans. I 
> don’t know but tomcat now also serves strange ciphers… (at least some that 
> openssl doesn’t even support and the scanner gets some strange results!)
> https://markmail.org/message/nj7lvuplld4c5nqx

ACK. I'll try and dig deeper once I've tackled the conversion issue.

>> In theory, Tomcat should be able to do this conversion for you. The
>> issue will be how much of the crypto API we need to do that is part of
>> the public API and, where it isn't, how easy it is to craft our own.
>> I'm currently investigating…
> Thanks for your support. I got the people at smallstep to create an option to 
> also create RSA certs. So there is currently a workaround to use their acme 
> process with tomcat.

Yes, we can do the conversion. It isn't too bad but I need to clean up
my rather hacky approach to make it more robust before committing it. I
hope to make progress on this today.


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