Hi all again,

I am facing a weird problem. I got 2 servlets. One of them works pretty fine
while the other one is not found. Both are in the same place. I think the
problem has to do with path. 

The first servlet I call directly from index.htm, it preforms a search in a
database table and displays results in a jsp form. This works fine. I see
the rows of the table.

This jsp page has a link to a registerWhatever.htm form, and this
registerWhatever.htm form has a button that calls the other servlet. This is
where I get the error. The 404 message.

type Status report
message /Sisc/servlet/RegistraMarcaPropriedade
description The requested resource (/Sisc/servlet/RegistraMarcaPropriedade)
is not available
The address I see is perfect just like the other one:
This is driving me crazy. It was working fine before and the only thing I
did was:
turned a htm form to a jsp form to display the results of the search. Before
I had a static htm form with a link to registerWhatever.htm form (with
fields and a button to include data into the database). 
How can I always start my redirection from the application root folder?
Any help is welcome


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