We are getting the NPEs in a top-of-the-chain servlet filter which decorates HttpServletRequest.getRemoteAddr() before actual servlet processing. Only on HTTP/2 and in a very small number of cases. Perhaps we should test 9.0.31 and see what happens. When is this new version due for release?

*- **Manuel Dominguez Sarmiento*
Thanks Mark. I just wanted to clarify that the issue is not only present
when the request arrives at AccessLogValve, but while the request is
being serviced as well.
We noticed this bug because we were getting random NullPointerExceptions
when trying to do anything with the result from
HttpServletRequest.getRemoteAddr() in our servlets.

Should the fix solve this as well?
It depends. The only way I can see this happening is if the application
swallows an IOException and continues. It probably won't fix that and I
don't think we'd consider an NPE an error in those circumstances.


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