On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 6:31 PM Carsten Klein <c.kl...@datagis.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> finally, I got my first Tomcat enhancement ready. You can view its code
> at my Tomcat fork on GitHub:
> https://github.com/cklein05/tomcat/tree/session-manager-persist-authentication
> Before I'm opening an enhancement in Tomcat's Bugzilla, maybe, Mark and
> Christopher (or whoever else is interested), could you please have a
> quick look at the code?
> BTW, recent versions of Tomcat do no longer save and store passwords in
> GenericPrincipal. That makes using this enhancement even less critical.

Can you describe an actual use case for this ? Without clustering, I don't
understand why the auth persistence is useful at all [when using
clustering, the delta manager persists that auth information]. To be
honest, that's also the case for session persistence itself, which does not
provide a QoS level that is still relevant today. But the feature is
already there [maybe it could be considered for removal in 10 actually ...].


> Some brief description of what I've done:
> 1. The new boolean option 'persistAuthentication' is implemented in
> ManagerBase and so can be configured for StandardManager or
> PersistentManager (defaults to false). Also added this to
> mbeans-descriptor.xml, so it's writable through JMX.
> 2. That option is set for any new StandardSession upon creation (in
> method ManagerBase.createSession(String)). Once a session got this
> option, it's not being changed during the session's lifetime.
> 3. In StandardSession, method doWriteObject writes authentication
> information (authType and principal) only, if 'persistAuthentication' is
> true, the session is authenticated (authType or principal != null) and
> principal is serializable.
> 4. The "is principal serializable" test is, by default, a deep
> (expensive?) check, which actually serializes the whole principal object
> to an ObjectOutputStream backed by a new NullInputStream, which just
> discards all bytes written. This check can be skipped by setting system
> property
> org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession.PRINCIPAL_SERIALIZABLE_CHECK
> to false (defaults to true, however). If skipped, the principal is
> considered serializable if (principal instanceof Serializable). That's
> how the session's attribute values are checked for being serializable or
> not.
> However, that is odd, if such a serialized object has a child object
> which is not serializable. In that case, the ObjectOutputStream is left
> in an inconsistent state and no so called fatal exception code is
> written to the stream (that is, when reading such a stream, no
> WriteAbortedException is not thrown for such an error).
> 5. A Boolean object is used as a tag/marker that determines, whether
> authentication information is present id the stream or not. If none of
> the above conditions are met, both authType and principal are not
> serialized (than, only the initial Boolean false marker has been emitted
> to the stream).
> BTW, the Boolean false marker is not even required (if there is no
> authentication information in the stream) since the reading code works
> fine without any Boolean in the stream. So emitting Boolean false for
> signalling "no auth info" is actually optional (we could consider
> omitting it).
> 6. When sessions are loaded, ManagerBase provides a
> org.apache.catalina.util.CustomObjectInputStream instance to read
> sessions from. That instance is configured with the session's
> sessionAttributeValueClassNamePattern property. This essentially defines
> the classes, session attribute values may consist of. This pattern
> defaults to "java\\.lang\\.(?:Boolean|Integer|Long|Number|String)", so
> only attributes with these simple types can be loaded from a session.
> That filter pattern is only in effect, if a security manager is active,
> or if a pattern has been configured for the manager (e.g. in context.xml).
> Currently, however, all session data (including its base properties like
> creationTime, isNew, isValid etc) is loaded with that filter mechanism
> in place. Since those so called 'scalar instance properties' actually
> only consist of those simple types, that was not a problem.
> However, loading the serialized principal from the object stream is now
> subject to that filter mechanism (BTW, HA's DeltaManager and
> DeltaSession just do not utilize the CustomObjectInputStream).
> Since, as the name implies, the sessionAttributeValueClassNamePattern
> applies to attribute values only, I decided to give the
> CustomObjectInputStream a boolean 'filterActive' property, which is set
> to true, just before StandardSession starts deserializing attributes.
> The initial value of 'filterActive' can be specified though the
> constructor, to which both StandardManager and StoreBase pass false
> (actually, only StandardManager and PersistenManager (through StoreBase)
> do use the CustomObjectInputStream class).
> 7. Conclusion
> - Tomcat still builds with that enhancement in place
> - The enhancement obviously works as expected
> - Minor decisions can still be made (e.g. pull NullInputStream into a
> new file, maybe in ...catalina.util)
> - What about the Tomcat documentation? Where to document all this?
> Carsten
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