Thanks very much for your speedy and helpful reply, Mark.

Stupidly, I had forgotten to re-subscribe to the mailing list, so I found your reply in the archive and cannot reply to it in-line!

<snip>not really!<snip/>

I stumbled across

This short page has significant overlap with your suggestions, but there are differences too. I'll compare both before I say much more.

However, I suspected my "current best effort" had disabled the internal tomcat logging (juli) but failed to enable log4j2. The message I quoted from catalina.out looked suspiciously like it had been handled by the jvm Logger, which is consistent with your suggestion.

I tried building log4j2 from source and gave up. It is a bit of a nuisance that my development system uses both OpenJDK 8 and 11 because I keep forgetting which is required by my different projects. The log4j2 toolchains requirement for java 9 was just too much to contemplate!

I downloaded the apache-log4j-2.13.1 binaries, so I will deploy those jars in my tests.

I also noted from the web advice above that log4j2 looks for it's configuration file under the name log4j2-tomcat.xml, not log4j2.xml. I'm not keen on the advice to deploy the jars to new tomcat directories called catalina.home/log4j2/lib and ./log4j2/conf, so I favour your suggestion of using catalina.home/bin for my first tests.

I really appreciate your thoughtful advice. It would be useful for me to pare the advice down to its essentials and then update the tomcat 8 wiki advice.


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