On 30/03/2020 21:45, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> All,
> In my application under Tomcat 8.5.51, I have configured a servlet to
> allow multipart/form-data submissions and I have added this
> configuration as a part of the <servlet> config:
>     <multipart-config>
>       <max-file-size>1048576</max-file-size><!-- 1MiB -->
>       <max-request-size>1049600</max-request-size><!-- 1 MiB + 1 kiB -->
>     </multipart-config>
> Without the <multipart-config> section, the upload does not work at
> all, so I know I have added this in the right place.
> But I am able to upload files larger than 1MiB, and the data is being
> given to the servlet. I was expecting an error to be sent to the
> client (unlikely) or the data to be suppressed from the servlet, or
> some kind of indication to the servlet code that the upload was too big.
> The file I'm uploading as a test is 13658819 bytes, which is greater
> than both 1048576 and 1049600.
> What am I missing, here?

Are you reading the request body directly? That will bypass the size checks.

If that doesn't explain it, I'd fire up a remote debugger, debug through
an upload and see why the size checks are skipped.


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