
Please help me in guiding to find out the root cause of this problem.

Tomcat Version: jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31
Server OS: SUN OS 5.8
JDK version: j2sdk1.4.2_11

Initially the tomcat server is running perfectly and there is no problem.
There is no operation done on the server. Simply it is kept idle.
After some 3 or 4 hours the tomcat gets shutdown unexpectedly.

This happens repeatedly. Whenever I start the server, after some 3 or 4
hours it gets stopped.
There is not enough log to find the cause.

I have posted this query in lot of forum and still it is a hard luck.
I configured debug=5 in server.xml under conf directory to get maximum log,
then also no use.
There is no application running in the tomcat server.

Simply the when tomcat is started in this SUN server after a few ours it
stops always.
Please help me.
Please let me know if I need to give more information.

Thanks in advance,
Thanks and Regards,

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