On Sat, Apr 4, 2020, 12:02 Mark Boon <mb...@vmware.com.invalid> wrote:

> I don't have 'proof' Tomcat is to blame. Hence the question-mark. All I
> have managed is narrow it down to this NMT data, which is not very
> informative. I hoped anyone could give me an idea how or where to
> investigate further. Or if someone had run into this before.
> The connector of the webapp uses Http11NioProtocol. My understanding is it
> uses direct-byte-buffers backed by native memory for the Nio channels. I
> don't know for sure if that gets allocated through a JNI call, but that was
> my assumption.
> I did not consider trying Mission Control or jvisualvm. Isn't Mission
> Control for embedded Java? And AFAIK, jvisualvm is for profiling Java
> memory usage and underneath uses tools like jmap, jstat and jcmd. Through
> GC logs and jmap heap-dumps I can confidently say there's no memory leak on
> the Java side. The NMT data shown comes from jcmd. No type grows beyond
> control and full GC always returns to the same baseline for the heap.
> Anyway, the Java heap is only 360Mb and this memory-block created by
> jni_invoke_static has grown to 700Mb by itself. And I see no out-of-memory
> messages. The only hint of this happening is that the RES memory of the
> Tomcat process keeps growing over time, as shown by 'top'. And it seems GC
> is getting slower over time, but the customers haven't noticed it yet.
> (This is after we switched to ParallelGC. We did see considerable slow-down
> when using G1GC in the ref-processing, but we couldn't figure out why. It
> would slow to a crawl before the memory leak became obvious.)
> Anyway, I was mostly fishing for hints or tips that could help me figure
> this out or avoid it.
> The application is simple to the point I'm hard-pressed to think of any
> other part making JNI calls. The only library I can think of using JNI is
> BouncyCastle doing the SSL encryption/decryption, so maybe I'll switch my
> focus there.

Something else to consider - we should keep in mind that a JVM is loaded
for the native code, but won't be obvious in a process table  : )

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