Hi, I have a written a webapplication deployed in Tomcat 8.5.31 that sends mail 
using Apache-commons email client. This is working fine but the mail server 
will be configured to accept only TLSv1.2 in the future so I have to make sure 
the client can open a TLSv1.2 connection. Tomcat is configured to use Java 8 
(version 1.8.0_241-b07) so as far as I can understand TLS1.2 should be enabled 
by default (as would 1.0 and 1.1). I've search the web and there is a lot of 
information on how to enable SSL/TLS for incoming requests but little is found 
on outgoing calls. The only explicit finding basically said that outgoing 
requests are independent of the configurationof the HTTPS connector for 
incoming requests, only the Java version and its security configuration affects 

Using Wireshark I've been testing all scenarios I could think of 

        different Java implementations (Oracle JDK 1.8.0_241-b07, OpenJDK 8 
[1.8.0_192], adoptopenjdk-8)
        setting the property crypto.policy=unlimited in the java.security file 
of the jre (for all alternatives above) 
        setting the application argument -Djdk.tls.client.protocols="TLSv1.2" 
(seems to be ignored) 
        configuring a HTTPS connector with secure="true" SSLEnabled="true" 
(just in case) 
        the server accepts "strict" TLS on port 465 and STARTTLS sessions on 
another port and I tried them both
        programatically added Bouncy Castle security provider as preferred 
        added Bouncy Castle security provider as preferred by configuration
        replaced the list of default security providers with Bounch Castle

and they all result in the same clientHello message beeing sent requesting a 
TLS1.0 session. The cipher suits are only 15 (including the renegotiation 
suite) and 
there are only SHA suites. 

I wrote a simple standalone client with the same email code and the same java 
version and this works as expected (strict TLS and STARTTLS), generating a 
clientHello message requesting a TLSv1.2 session with 29 cipher suites 
including SHA256 and SHA384 based suites. 

I enabled the logging of TLS and got a heap of information which I briefly 
scanned but my impression was that I got the same (or similar) information from 
the Wireshark output. 
I've debugged the code down through the layers to where the SUN specific code 
creates the connection but I couldn't step into that code to figure things out. 
Before I try to find the source for the connection creation maybe someone with 
a better insight can see some obvious way to analyse and solve this problem. As 
the code works outside of Tomcat
and the Java part is the same it seem to me that there is something in the 
configuration of Tomcat that affects what TLS-version that is available.

Thanks in advance
Curt J

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