This is a 3rd party app so can't do that. We need to configure tomcat to have 
apps use a trust store just like any other java container.

Shawn Beard
Sr. Systems Engineer

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Thomas <>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: tomcat and ssl [EXTERNAL]

** CAUTION: External message

On 27/04/2020 17:21, Beard, Shawn M. wrote:
> I have an app running in tomcat 9 that makes an ssl call to an
> external webservice.
> It fails with these errors in the logs:
> ERROR PKIX path building failed:
> unable to
> find valid certification path to requested target
> I have this in the connectors in the server.xml.
>               keystoreFile="/usr/apache/tomcat/ssl/TomcatTrustStore.p12"
>                truststoreFile="/usr/apache/tomcat/ssl/TomcatTrustStore.p12"
>                keystorePass="XXXXXXXX"
>                truststorePass="XXXXXXX"
> I have the root authority certs importated as trusted certs in this
> p12 file.
> Any ideas?

Outgoing SSL calls are nothing to do with Tomcat. Configuration in server.xml 
will have zero impact on them. You need to code the out going call exactly the 
same way as you would in a stand-alone Java program. My recommendation is you 
configure the connection programmatically rather than via system properties 
although the system properties approach should work.


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