Got it! Using it was quick and easy to find out
that the offending class was indeed loaded from two different jar files.
After I removed one of them casting worked with no issues. I didn't know
jar hell could result in ClassCastException, but you learn something new
every day.

Thanks everyone for your help. Olaf I found your suggestion especially
helpful. Have a good weekend :-)

On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 9:29 PM Olaf Kock <> wrote:

> On 08.05.20 19:50, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> > Olaf,
> >
> > On 5/8/20 13:19, Olaf Kock wrote:
> >
> > > You might want to hunt down duplicate classes in the JAR files on
> > > your classpath. Worst case: unpack them all in temporary
> > > directories and check for occurrences of the filename. Make sure
> > > that one doesn't overwrite the other when unzipping.
> >
> > Or unpack them all and let the unzipper tell you if there are any
> > filename collisions.
> >
> > Someone has probably written a "classpath scanner" that will just
> > unzip everything and look for conflicts.
> I've gotten follow up questions on how to use those tools in the past.
> Key is to identify all the jars, less the options of the tool, but since
> then I've just reverted to mention the low-tech version, and am not even
> ashamed ;)
> That's not to say that I don't trust Jonathan to use a classpath scanner
> - it's just a low-tech-preference out of habit.
> Plus, due to this habit, I currently can't come up with a tool's name to
> look for :D
> Olaf
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Jonathan Yom-Tov
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