When the application does not clean up the resources, during shutdown, we see 
WARNINGs in Catalina logs:

"WARNING [Catalina-utility-21] 
org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesThreads The web 
application [AAA] appears to have started a thread named [BBB] but has failed 
to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:"

I wanted to ensure a clean Tomcat shutdown and thinking of an automated test:

  1.  Stop Tomcat
  2.  Parse/grep Catalina logs for warnings like above
  3.  If found, fail the test, if not pass

Is there a better/elegant way to achieve this? E.g. using life cycle listeners?

Also, the catalina stop <n> option (where a kill is attempted after n seconds 
are passed) works for all platforms, is my understanding correct?


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