Thanks Michael, for your reply. I've almost got my setup up and working with Tomcat load balancer, session affinity and replication.

But, we have not yet answered the question, it seems. Here are some that stick : - does Tomcat 5.5 release incorporate advance Rule Classes? (RoundRobin / Weighted). - Are there guidelines to develop such Rule Classes? Has anyone developed such Rule Classes that are being used widely in production? - How can I avoid the change of the URL in the browser, when using Tomcat 5.5. balancer webapp? My colleague once implemented a Apache load balancer and did not see any URL change in the browser- so I assume it is possible.

I followed the connector how-to Michael sent. However, it seems to be integrating Apache with Tomcat, with Apache as the load balancer. I realize that this maybe the most common configuration (Apache as the load balancer with tomcat as workers).

But is that the only way? I mean, is using Tomcat 5.5's balancer webapp any performance hit as compared to using Apache as the load balancer? Or is it because the Tomcat 5.5 balancer webapp has not matured enough, and Apache has been the choice since history? Or is it something else that I don't know yet!!

I searched the tomcat-user list on MARC and found a post by Fritz Schneider, (http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=tomcat-user&m=111644303106705&w=2), which enlists the reasons why the use of Apache-Tomcat couple would be required (keeping in mind that post Tomcat 4 the devs have enhanced Tomcat to serve html pages most efficiently).

What I would like this thread to evolve into, is a comparison chart for Apache load balancing Vs Tomcat balancer webapp and source to load balancer Rule Classes for Tomcat 5.5.

Awaiting your valuable responses,
Thanks a lot,


Michael Echerer wrote:
Madhur K Tanwani wrote:
I am trying to build a
load balancer which enforces the following :-
   - chooses from the available "alive" workers from the cluster,
     in a Round-Robin / Least-Load-First manner
   - implements session affinity
See: http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/
   - includes fail over support with session replication, so there is no
     of session data
   - The transition is transparent to the user. Hence, whatever be the
     "redirectURL", the URL in the browser should not change
See: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/cluster-howto.html
On another note, I wanted to ask the clustering and load-balancing gurus,
whether I've taken up the correct approach. I see that many load balancing
tutorials focus on Apache as the load balancer with Tomcat as the worker
in clusters. But since most of them are old, I assume the new Tomcat 5.5
features did not make it then - hence the question.
You can use Apache2, mod_jk1.2 and Tomcat's session replication for what
you plan to do. However session replication looks as easy as putting
<distributable/> into web.xml, but actually keeping the webapp session
serializable and small has to be kept in mind always.

Madhur Kumar Tanwani

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