jsvc has a umask option, so the log files can be made readable for the user.
It is just a question of  estetics, root-owned files in user
directories are smelly.


Am Sa., 27. Juni 2020 um 11:38 Uhr schrieb Michael Osipov <micha...@apache.org>:
> Am 2020-06-26 um 09:21 schrieb Jürgen Weber:
> > Hi,
> >
> > when you run tomcat with jsvc and have jsvc drop privileges to a
> > different user, stdout and stderr log files are still created with
> > root as owner.
> > Can you make jsvc create them as the -user ?
> What is you actual problem with that?
> I have talked about this to Mark two years ago. I think this is
> logically not that easy. jsvc needs to start as root to bind priviledged
> ports, it inits Tomcat, then downgrades and starts the rest of the
> container. While it is in init state stdout/stderr need to be opened
> already.
> If you are have problem with log rotation. I use newsyslogd for that
> which does send SIGUSR1 and works flawlessly. You may use similar tools.
> M
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