On 01/07/2020 00:41, rugman66 . wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 9:21 AM Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 22/04/2020 00:11, rugman66 . wrote:
>> <snip/>
>>>        Tomcat log  (I'm trying to get more debug level logging)
>>>             2020-04-21 13:39:33 INFO  app.CompletionRestController
>>> Unsupported Media Type in Header
>>>       Postman
>>>            415 Unsupported Media Type
>>>       GET URL
>>>             http://server.com/app/api/completions.json?username=foo
>>> Both Tomcat and Apache are running SSL because all internal endpoints
>>> are required to be secure.
>> Looks like the app is generating the error. That moves us forwards.
>> Try enabling the RequestDumperFilter. That should dump the full set of
>> request headers received which will hopefully help explain what is going on.
>> Mark
> Hi Mark,
> Was on unplanned leave for the past few months, but back.
> I did try to enable RequestDumperFilter, however the file was created
> but no log entries created. I did find something interesting. When I
> test in Postman with
> HTTP it does redirect to HTTPD but throws the error. However when I
> change the URL in Postman using HTTPD I get the expected reply and see
> the
> proxy is indeed working. It's only throwing the error when the
> redirect occurs. Seems to me the issue lies there, but I still can't
> find a resolution. Any
> suggestions would be appreciated.

You need to find a way to see the full traffic for both client<->httpd
and httpd<->Tomcat.

Wireshark is one option. You'll need to configure it to decrypt the TLS.

The access logs will also confirm whether requests are passed to Tomcat
or handled by httpd.


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