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On 7/6/20 11:48, john.e.gr...@wellsfargo.com.INVALID wrote:
> Chris,
>> -----Original Message----- From: Christopher Schultz
>> <ch...@christopherschultz.net> Sent: Monday, July 06, 2020 10:21
>> AM To: Tomcat Users List <users@tomcat.apache.org> Subject: [OT]
>> Trying to determine the minimum heap required for an operation
> All,
> Definitely off-topic, but it's the kind of weird thing someone here
> might have experience with.
> I have an offline operation I'm considering bringing "inside" my
> web-based application. My only concern is memory usage: it requires
> that a bunch of data be loaded from a db into memory and then
> analyzed. It doesn't take long to execute -- maybe 10 seconds or
> so, so the memory can be released back to the rest of the
> application.
> I've instrumented the command-line process with a thread which runs
> every .5sec and captures the used-memory, maintaining a high-water
> mark and reporting it after the whole operation is done. The first
> time I ran it (with no specific JVM memory-related settings), it
> reported that the high-water mark was ~450MiB.
> I figured that was higher than necessary, and probably just
> represented a lazy GC with loads of memory, so I constrained the
> process using -Xmx64M. That resulted in a 16MiB high-water mark. I
> tried again with -Xmx8M and the high-water mark became 5MiB.
> Is there a particularly good way to force the GC to be as
> aggressive as possible to see how low I can go, or should I just
> keep playing-around with the -Xmx setting.
> Another option is to serialize my in-memory structure to the disk
> to get a sense of the size in-memory, though it's really not the
> same -- it will at least get me in the right ballpark.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks, -chris
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> I guess I’m that person with the weird experiences.
> Is memory or CPU in short supply?  If not, I don't think you'll
> have
a problem.  This isn't 1997 anymore.  I do think you should run a
realistic load test, however.

No specific problem exists, but this is a multi-user web application.
Usually somewhere around 500 - 1000 users logged-in at once. Session
size is typically quite low -- only a handful of small objects present
with lots of sharing of "large" objects and structures. Heap size is
set to max 1GiB on each server and memory usage shows a beautiful
sawtooth pattern hovering around ~400MiB for days at a time.

I will certainly limit the number of these operations that can occur
at once, and they should be relatively rare. My test example was using
a small data set, but the size of the data-set varies wildly with the
client, so I have to be careful for the larger ones.

Busting the heap isn't something I'd like to have happen.

> To me the most important GC metric is time spent per
minute/hour/etc.  The next most important metric is individual pause
durations.  Through testing you'll see what those numbers are.  I work
with some large apps that have multi-GB heaps and it's rare to see GC
time being over 1-2%.  IOW, 600-1200ms per minute.  Often it's a
fraction of a percent.  With those small numbers you're talking about,
I don't think you'll have any trouble in this area unless the server
is very heavily loaded.

Actually, I'm not super concerned about performance of the GC itself.
I was just wondering if there was a way to ask the JVM "if you *had*
to accomplish this task with the smallest possible heap, what would it

> Be sure to enable verbose GC.  In java 8, it's something like
> this:
> -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps
- -Xloggc:/path/to/gc.log
> Run tests with and without the changes.  You can analyze the GC
> output with tools like GCEasy and GCViewer.

Again, I'm more concerned with the overhead that will be required for
a particular operation, so I can predict when running such an
operation might end up endangering the application server's heap --
and therefore the logged-in users.

Theoretically, if the thread hits a heap-full error, the thread will
experience an OOME, release it's (temporary) large object tree, and
the GC will be able to recover, but after an OOME it's never a great
plan to trust the JVM for very long.

- -chris
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