Well, it is not consistent ... sometimes when I stop and start it from the 
command line it works, and other times it doesn't, but every time it is getting 
the -Djavax.net <http://djavax.net/>.ssl.trustStore parameter ... which I check 
by doing a:

$ ps -aef | grep java | tr ' ' '\n'

which lists each parameter on a separate line.  So I wish it were that simple, 
but it does not appear to be so.  But specifically to answer your question, I 
use this script to toggle tomcat on and off:

# tomcat
# Start / Stop Tomcat Application Server
# - If tomcat is running, stop it
# - if tomcat is not running, start it
# 24-Apr-2010 - DEF, original coding

found=`ps -aef | grep /Library/Tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar | grep -v grep | wc -l`

if [ $found -eq 0 ]
        echo Starting Tomcat Application Server ...
        sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.tomcat.plist
        echo Stopping Tomcat Application Server ...
        sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.tomcat.plist

And the org.apache.tomcat.plist contains:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" 
<plist version="1.0">

so it is using catalina.sh.  But right now, I just ran this command:

$ ps -aef | grep java | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -- '-D'

and that file exists:

$ ls -l 
-rw-rw-r--  1 root  wheel  115588 Dec  1  2019 

but I am getting the error:

sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: 
sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find 
valid certification path to requested target

However, I may have previously misspoken, as I *thought* it was related to 
Apache 8.5.x, because I saw it on the new server with 8.5.57 but not an older 
server running 7.0.x, and when I upgraded the old 7.0.x server to 8.5.57 it 
immediately began to exhibit the problem.  So cause and effect, right?  But I 
just downgraded the old server back to 7.0.x, and I am still seeing the 
problem!  Ugh!

So I tried running the same app on an 8.5.37 server running on AWS Linux 2 
(similar to CentOS 7), and it works fine there, even after stopping and 
starting the Tomcat server 6 (!) times -- just because I don't trust anything 
right now.

My original thought -- which I did not previously share because I convinced 
myself it was crazy -- was that I first noticed the problem after I applied the 
latest macOS security patch.  However, once I saw that the Tomcat 7.0.x server 
with the same macOS security patch did not exhibit the problem, I ASSUMED it 
was related to the Tomcat version ... but as I said, now that I have downgraded 
that server back to 7.0.x, I am not still -- sometimes -- seeing the problem.  

So I am now taking the "new" server and restoring from a backup taken a week 
ago -- before I applied the macOS security patch -- to see if that makes a 

Given all of that, I can assure you that I am not drinking -- at least not 
while in front of a computer -- and I am not taking any drugs, and as far as I 
know, I am not clinically insane.  But I still can't explain all of the 
inconsistencies I am seeing, and the one thing that I always hate most when 
debugging a problem is lack of a consistent reproducibility.

> On Aug 8, 2020, at 5:17 PM, calder <calder....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 8, 2020, 13:59 David Filip <dfi...@colornet.com 
> <mailto:dfi...@colornet.com>> wrote:
>> Hello Everyone!
>> I spent a large part of yesterday and this morning trying to debug an SSL
>> problem on Tomcat 8.5.57 to no avail.  I've seen some discussion on either
>> this problem or something related back in 2016, but wanted to confirm what
>> the "correct" solution might be, because I got lost in the threads.
>> I never had this problem with Tomcat 7.0.x, but it started once I upgraded
>> to 8.5.57 (same application code), and it is related to making outgoing SSL
>> connections to web services.  And this is NOT related to a self-signed, but
>> to a commercial (GoDaddy) SSL certificate, albeit on a server that I also
>> run in the cloud.
>> The exception is being thrown when trying to connect to an SSL protected
>> web service is:
>>    sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed:
>> sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find
>> valid certification path to requested target
>> although the exact same code worked (and still works on other servers)
>> reliably under Tomcat 7.0.x for several years.
>> Now, here is the weird part: after Google'ing around, I thought the
>> problem might be that Tomcat 8.5.5 and later -- at least this is the gist
>> that I got -- no longer finds the 'default' Java certificate store
>> (cacerts), so I added the following to /bin/catalina.sh (running on a Mac
>> 10.14 / Mojave):
>>    export
>> -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_121.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/security/cacerts
>> The weird part is that this appeared to fix the problem, so I thought I
>> was done.  Then, I rebooted, and the problem re-appeared!
>> I stopped and started Tomcat, and the problem was resolved again.  I
>> rebooted again, and the problem re-appeared.
> When you "stopped and started Tomcat", how did restart it?  At the command
> line using one of the Tomcat shell scripts?
> My thought is, "whatever" fires up Tomcat after an iOS system reboot - that
> startup process does not call catalina.sh.
> But when you start Tomcat manually, using catalina.sh or startup.sh (which
> calls catalina.sh), it works because the Java option is being set.
> Previously, when it worked, I refreshed the page several times, and it kept
>> working.  When it doesn't work, if I keep refreshing the page, it continues
>> to throw the exception.
>> Does this mean that some "worker threads" can find the certificate store,
>> and others can't?  Or am I going down the wrong rabbit hole?
>> So, any idea?  The intermittent nature is driving me crazy!
>> And I have can reproduce the problem on two separate servers (both Mac
>> 10.14 / Mojave, both Java 1.8.0), one (new server) running 8.5.57 and one
>> (slightly older server) running 8.5.35.  But again, I have several 7.0.x
>> instances where I've never seen this problem before.
>> Also, the generic 'SSLPoke' always connects to the service, and it appears
>> that if I run (mostly) the same code from the command line outside of
>> Tomcat (javac / java) it always works.  And if I paste the web service URL
>> into Safari or Chrome, it always works.  And if I use the web service URL
>> with curl (just for good measure), it always works.  So it only seems to
>> fall under Tomcat 8.5.x.
>> Thanks in advance for any guidance, as I'm running out of things to Google
>> and try.

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