On Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 12:48 PM Christopher Schultz <
ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Robert,
> On 8/24/20 11:04, Robert Hicks wrote:
> > Maybe it's just better to straight up ask. I've found a couple of
> > Google searches but nothing for Tomcat 9 and the information seems
> > sporadic, incomplete, or contradictory.
> >
> > How do you enable FIPS-140 for Tomcat 9 (using JDK 8)?
> The Sun/Oracle-provided crypto providers should already be FIPS-140
> certified, as long as you use them in the proper configuration.
> There is nothing Tomcat-specific about enabling FIPS for the SunJCE
> provider because it needs to be done at the JRE-level.
> This document is WebLogic-centric, but it shows how to enable FIPS-140
> mode for the whole JVM and therefore isn't WebLogic-specific, either:
> https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1213/wls/SECMG/fips.htm
> Tomcat includes code for ensuring that OpenSSL is in FIPS-mode when
> that module is in use, but we don't do anything about the built-in
> providers. Given the information in that document above, it looks like
> it's possible to trigger a test to determine whether FIPS is indeed
> active; perhaps Tomcat could initiate such a test as a sanity-check if
> FIPS-mode is "required" (through some as-yet-determined configuration
> option).
> - -chris
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - https://www.enigmail.net/
> pFhcyQ//e5GXmD6jxAJYAlqfnDyrHVWQQO7TrFQxfHiJ/pvbqrFjvB230rchyRLm
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> g+g7pI7Dyln3FyRiUmKOp9gjND9QtFe/awvAemSvr9WRprr766k=
> =N6LM

Thanks Chris!


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