
This message is a reply to those that asked me for uploading a simple
version of my webapp reproducing the problem of not finding classes when a
JSP is inside a subfolder, thus not hanging directly from web root

I have slimmed down the code as much as possible. You'll see is almost


So, the project's became very simple, but the problem is there:

Built with NetBeans 8.0.2 on Windows 10
Tested on local host (so tomcat running on windows), it works
My VPS holds a public web domain called algosismes.cat.
Tested on my VPS, it depends.

Once deploy's done with tomcat 8.5.57 manager app, clicking on its list of
sites, it works, since the browser is connecting to the ip:port/algorismes.

Setting directly "algorismes.cat" in the browser url, the error is found.
Just click to go to the level2.jsp.

Lervel2.jsp is a blank page that just declares ann object of class Student
to show the problem.

Anybody can explain to me what am i doing wrong?

Thanks you all!


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