The README file explains how to override the systemd configuration. You
can either add ReadWritePaths directives [1] to grant access to more
paths, or set ProtectSystem=false [2] to disable the sandboxing completely.

Emmanuel Bourg


On 24/09/2020 03:15, Cristiano Albiero Berni wrote:
> Hi,
> Tomcat 9 package install on Ubuntu 20.04 lts server.
> I need to disable the sandbox. It's a problem when adding a new filesystem.
> I need to get it NO sandboxing to all the "/"
> including different filesystems.
> How could I do that?
> Or
> in this link have how to override.
> How cold I add a wildcard folder. Like /home* (/home, /home02, /home03)
> thanks a lot.

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