Hi Arshiya,

On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 7:59 PM Arshiya Shariff
<arshiya.shar...@ericsson.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hi All,
> With 200 threads(users) , ramp up duration of 2 seconds , loop count 80
> and by sending 1000 http2 requests/sec from JMeter Client to an embedded
> tomcat application we did not observe any memory issue , but on sending
> 1000 http2 requests/sec with 2000 or 1000 users from JMeter , the
> application's heap space of 20 GB is occupied in 2 minutes and after 2 full
> GCs the memory clears and comes down to 4GB (expected) .

I am not sure whether you follow the other discussions at users@.
In another email thread we discuss load testing Tomcat HTTP2 and we are
able to make around 12K reqs/s with another load testing tool -
For me JMeter itself failed with OOM when increasing the number of the
virtual users above 2K.
There are several improvements in Tomcat master and 9.0.x in the HTTP2
area. Some of the changes are not yet downported to 9.0.x. We still test
them, trying to avoid introducing regressions in 9.0.x.

> Embedded tomcat Version:9.0.38
> Max Threads : 200

The number of threads should be less if you do only CPU calculations
without IO/network. If your app blocks on IO/network calls then you need
more spare threads.
With more threads there will be more context switches and less throughput.
That's why there is no one golden rule that applies to all applications.
200 is a good default that works for most of the applications. But you need
to test with different values to see which one gives the best performance
for your scenaria.

> All other properties are the tomcat defaults.
> Why is tomcat not able to process many connections ?

You can tell us by enabling -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError and
-XX:HeapDumpPath=<file-or-dir-path>. Once you have the .hprof file you can
examine it with Eclipse Memory Analyzer tool and see what is leaking.
I will try to reproduce this issue tomorrow with Vegeta.

> Why is the memory filled when the connections are increased, are there any
> parameters to tune connections ?
> Please let us know.
> Thanks and Regards
> Arshiya Shariff

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