On Sun, Oct 4, 2020 at 8:04 PM Garret Wilson <> wrote:
> Hi, everyone. I'm back already. (I had intended to leave the list to
> focus my efforts elsewhere, but … here I am again.)
> I just realized there is a big SSL problem for small applications, and I
> want to fix it. First a little review of where we are.
> Servlet containers are becoming less important and less desirable in
> today's world, because we don't want to deploy and maintain some sort of
> high-level container infrastructure (in the Java EE container sense, not
> the Docker sense) just to deploy an application in it. Modern
> distributed micrososervice applications have a bunch of
> service/worker/agent application that are identical and redundant. You
> spin up as many as you need; if some go down, you (or an orchestrator)
> spins up others.
> For this reason libraries like Spring Boot allow you to deploy your Java
> application as a standalone JAR with embedded Tomcat. The JAR represents
> the completely independent application. You just throw it on a node and
> it runs and provides a web server or whatever. So we we should be able
> to throw a Spring Boot JAR on something like AWS Elastic Beanstalk and
> it just runs. I found out it is far from that simple, and SSL is one of
> the major problems.
> There seem to be two ways to get SSL support. On something like AWS
> Elastic Beanstalk, you deploy a load balancer in front of your EC
> instances. Elastic Beanstalk will (using the AWS Route 53 DNS) configure
> SSL to the load balancer, spin up EC instances as needed (each running
> your standalone JAR), and connect the load balancer to the EC instances,
> all in a (sort of) automated fashion. But note that the SSL endpoint is
> the load balancer, and the load balancer costs money! Even if you're
> just running just a single standalone JAR instance requiring a single EC
> instance, that load balancer sits there and drains cash. Significant
> cash if you just want to run a little program with SSL support.
> What's the other option to deploy a standalone JAR? Configure an AWS EC
> instance (or a VM with another provider), configure certbot, configure
> Tomcat, save some files locally on the machine, etc. All this manual
> work. I just want to run the standalone JAR! In short, if I have a
> standalone program I want to run, I either have to configure and
> maintain a VM like I did in the year 2000, or get into the nightmare of
> Kubernetes-like orchestration with the endless configurations and/or the
> high costs.
> I propose to create a module that integrates with embedded Tomcat that:
>  1. You indicate what domain you're hosting for (as part of the
>     application configuration or as an environment variable when
>     deployed, for example).
>  2. When your application starts running, it automatically connects to
>     Let's Encrypt using RFC 8555 (or whatever is needed) and requests a
>     certificate, based upon the IP address it's running on.
>  3. The module exposes the correct HTTP paths and/or connects to a
>     configured DNS as needed for validation.
>  4. The module receives the certificates and caches them in memory or in
>     a temporary file as needed and provides them to Tomcat; Tomcat now
>     is serving using SSL/TLS.
>  5. If the application dies, who cares? You start up another one. It
>     automatically does the same thing (on another machine or wherever it
>     is running) and the application is running SSL/TLS. It's that
>     simple. You don't need to run certbot. You don't need to manually
>     copy files on the system. You don't even need to know where the
>     application is going to run. You just need an executable JAR with
>     this new module, and you run it. Done.
>  6. (Many variations exists where multiple JARs are running but one is
>     the "leader" for Let's Encrypt, and they communicate and share the
>     cashed certificate until the node dies. Or there are variations
>     using Docker. The first step is the radical one, and then all sorts
>     of possibilities open up.)
>  From glancing over the Let's Encrypt docs and having had hands-on
> experience embedding Tomcat, that seems completely doable to me. And I'm
> ready to start.
> But first, what work has been done in this area already? I'm aware of
> Chris' slides from 2018, but those techniques require some combination
> of certbot, keytool, non-embedded Tomcat, symlinks,OS scripts, manually
> file system manipulation, etc. I think at ApacheCon 2019 Chris mentioned
> some more work has been done on this, but I don't recall where it was.
> Please point me to the latest work and ideas for Tomcat+Let's Encrypt so
> that I don't spend two months doing something that is already been done,
> or before I find out it is impossible.
> As it stands I want fully automated SSL/TLS configuration just by
> running a standalone JAR, and I don't see that existing anywhere. I'm
> not prepared to pay AWS for a load balancer just to run a little app,
> and I got tired of manual Linux setup and scripts and general sysadmin
> work around 20 years ago. It's the cloud. It should act like the cloud.
> Garret

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