> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Robinson <eric.robin...@psmnv.com>
> Sent: Friday, October 23, 2020 7:09 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List <users@tomcat.apache.org>
> Subject: RE: Weirdest Tomcat Behavior Ever?
> Hi Mark --
> Thanks tons for digging into this. See my answers below.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org>
> > Sent: Friday, October 23, 2020 5:09 PM
> > To: users@tomcat.apache.org
> > Subject: Re: Weirdest Tomcat Behavior Ever?
> >
> > Hi Eric (and those following along),
> >
> > Eric sent me some network captures off-list from multiple points in
> > the network from the system where this is happening. The following is
> > the summary so far:
> >
> > Overview:
> > A small number of requests are receiving a completely empty (no
> > headers, no body) response.
> >
> >
> > Information Gathering:
> > Successful requests that are similar to the failed request:
> > - Take 7ms to 13ms to complete
> > - Have relatively small responses (~1k)
> > - Use HTTP/1.0
> > - Do not use keep-alive (request has Connection: close header)
> > - The request target is a JSP
> >
> > The failed request:
> > - Completes in ~6ms
> I think we've seen the failed requests take as much as 50ms.
> > - Has no response headers or body
> > - Records a successful entry in the access log
> >
> > System:
> > Tomcat 7.0.76, BIO HTTP connector
> > Java 1.8.0_221,
> > CentOS 7.5 server running in Azure
> >
> > Requests are received from an nginx reverse proxy. It looks like nginx
> > is using
> > HTTP/1.0 without keep-alive to proxy requests to Tomcat. This actually
> > makes things a little easier as we have one TCP/IP connection per request.
> >
> > After switching to NIO, the issue is still observable (info received
> > off-list along with access to network traces etc.).
> >
> > The issue appeared ~1 months ago after running without error since
> > October 2018. No known changes were made ~1 month ago.
> >
> > The TCP sequence numbers show that, as far as the network stack is
> > concerned, Tomcat did not write any data before closing the connection
> > cleanly.
> >
> > There is no other activity on the client port associated with the
> > failed request in the provided trace.
> >
> > The failed request does not appear to violate the HTTP specification.
> >
> > Neither the request nor the response are compressed.
> >
> > No WebSocket or other HTTP upgrade requests present in the network
> > traces.
> >
> > No obviously relevant bugs fixed since 7.0.76.
> >
> >
> > Follow-up questions:
> > - JVM
> >   - Vendor?
> >   - OS package or direct from Vendor?
> >
> jdk-8u221-linux-x64.tar.gz downloaded from the Oracle web site.
> > - Tomcat
> >   - OS package, 3rd-party package or direct from ASF?
> >
> tomcat.noarch  7.0.76-6.el7 from CentOS base repository

Drat, slight correction. I now recall that although we initially installed 
7.0.76 from the CentOS repo, the application vendor made us lower the version 
to 7.0.72, and I DO NOT know where we got that. However, it has not changed 
since October-ish of 2018.

> > - Config
> >   - Any changes at all around the time the problems started? I'm
> >     thinking OS updates, VM restarted etc?
> >
> server.xml has not changed since 4/20/20, which was well before the
> problem manifested, and all the other files in the conf folder are even older
> than that. We're seeing this symptom on both production servers. One of
> them was rebooted a week ago, but the other has been up continuously for
> 258 days.
> >
> > Conclusions:
> > - It isn't timeout related. The request is completing in orders of
> >   magnitude less time than the timeout.
> >
> > - Based on the timings it looks like the JSP is processing the request
> >   and generating the response.
> >
> > - It happens with BIO so sendfile isn't a factor.
> >
> > - No compression so GZIP issues aren't a factor.
> >
> > - Given that the issue occurs with both BIO and NIO that rules out a bug
> >   in any BIO or NIO specific code. Note that while 7.0.x has largely
> >   separate code for BIO and NIO there are still significant sections of
> >   code that are essentially identical so it isn't quite as simple as
> >   just ruling out all the code in the BIO and NIO specific classes.
> >   It also makes a JVM issue seem less likely at this point.
> >
> >
> > Current thinking:
> > - I can think of various ways this might be happening but they all seem
> >   pretty unlikely. The next steps will be to enable existing logging
> >   (and potentially add some custom logging) to try and narrow down where
> >   the response data is disappearing.
> >
> > - Having reviewed the BIO code, there is a mercifully simple way to see
> >   how many bytes Tomcat thinks it has written to the response. The "%b"
> >   pattern in the access log valve will show how many bytes from the
> >   request body that Tomcat has written to the network socket without an
> >   IOException. I'd prefer something that recorded header bytes as well
> >   but this is a good first start and doesn't require custom patches.
> >
> >
> > Recommendations:
> > - Switch back to the BIO connector if you haven't already. It has fewer
> >   moving parts than NIO so it is simpler debug.
> > - Add "%b" to the access log pattern for Tomcat's access log valve to
> >   record the number of body (excluding headers) bytes Tomcat believes it
> >   has written to the response.
> >
> >
> > Next steps:
> > - Wait for the issue to re-occur after the recommended changes above and
> >   depending on what is recorded in the access log for %b for a failed
> >   request, shift the focus accordingly.
> > - Answers to the additional questions would be nice but the access log
> >   %b value for a failed request is the key piece of information required
> >   at this point.
> >
> Good news! I enabled that parameter a few days ago and we have already
> caught some instances of the problem occurring. Here is the logging format...
> <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
> directory="logs"
>                prefix="localhost_access." suffix=".log" pattern="%h %l %D %u 
> %t
> %{JSESSIONID}c %{cookie}i %r %s %b %S %q" />
> Due to some sensitive content in the HTTP requests below, I have globally
> replaced certain words and addresses with random-ish strings, but I don't
> think I've done anything to impact the issue.
> Following is an example from Wednesday.
> This is a request being sent from the nginx proxy to the first of 2 upstream
> servers,
> 2020/10/21 15:51:22 [error] 39268#39268: *842342531 upstream prematurely
> closed connection while reading response header from upstream, client:
>, server: redacted.domain.com, request: "GET
> /sandhut/jsp/catalog/xml/getWidgets.jsp?eDate=2020-10-
> 21&statueId=64438&facilityId=0&DeptId=0&CompressXML=Yes&sessionDID
> =0&GzUserId=75064&gizusrlogtblid=322095&gizappprocessid=8568&rnd2=0.
> 5650846&timestamp=21102020155122.472656 HTTP/1.1", upstream:
> "
> 20-10-
> 21&statueId=64438&facilityId=0&DeptId=0&CompressXML=Yes&sessionDID
> =0&GzUserId=75064&gizusrlogtblid=322095&gizappprocessid=8568&rnd2=0.
> 5650846&timestamp=21102020155122.472656", host:
> "redacted.domain.com"
> Here is the matching localhost_access log entry from that server….
> - 144 - [21/Oct/2020:15:51:22 -0400]
> F405E25E49E3DCB81A36A87DED1FE573
> srv_id=dea8d61a7d725e980a6093cb78d8ec73;
> srv_id=dea8d61a7d725e980a6093cb78d8ec73 GET
> /sandhut/jsp/catalog/xml/getWidgets.jsp?eDate=2020-10-
> 21&statueId=64438&facilityId=0&DeptId=0&CompressXML=Yes&sessionDID
> =0&GzUserId=75064&gizusrlogtblid=322095&gizappprocessid=8568&rnd2=0.
> 5650846&timestamp=21102020155122.472656 HTTP/1.0 200 40423
> F405E25E49E3DCB81A36A87DED1FE573 ?eDate=2020-10-
> 21&statueId=64438&facilityId=0&DeptId=0&CompressXML=Yes&sessionDID
> =0&GzUserId=75064&gizusrlogtblid=322095&gizappprocessid=8568&rnd2=0.
> 5650846&timestamp=21102020155122.472656
> Tomcat appears to think it sent 40423 bytes. However, even though it shows
> an HTTP 200 response, WireShark shows the response did not actually go out
> on the wire.
> The proxy never got a response, so it sent the request to the next upstream,
> Here is the matching localhost_access log entry from that server…
> - 1 - [21/Oct/2020:15:51:22 -0400]
> F405E25E49E3DCB81A36A87DED1FE573
> srv_id=dea8d61a7d725e980a6093cb78d8ec73;
> srv_id=dea8d61a7d725e980a6093cb78d8ec73 GET
> /sandhut/jsp/catalog/xml/getWidgets.jsp?eDate=2020-10-
> 21&statueId=64438&facilityId=0&DeptId=0&CompressXML=Yes&sessionDID
> =0&GzUserId=75064&gizusrlogtblid=322095&gizappprocessid=8568&rnd2=0.
> 5650846&timestamp=21102020155122.472656 HTTP/1.0 200 663 -
> ?eDate=2020-10-
> 21&statueId=64438&facilityId=0&DeptId=0&CompressXML=Yes&sessionDID
> =0&GzUserId=75064&gizusrlogtblid=322095&gizappprocessid=8568&rnd2=0.
> 5650846&timestamp=21102020155122.472656
> Tomcat on that server did not recognize the JSESSIONID cookie, so it sent
> back a 663 byte message stating, "The session is invalid."
> The client was then kicked out of the software.
> >
> > HTH,
> >
> > Mark
> >
> > (I'm trimming the previous discussion on this thread as I think all
> > the relevant info is summarized above but do point out if I have
> > missed
> > something.)
> >
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