
On 11/6/20 19:49, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
I have a relatively new environment with a standalone tomcat (8.5) running on an AWS Linux2 EC2.  I'm not using HTTPD/AJP.  Its a direct connection to port 443.  (Well technically, I have firewallD in the flow in order to route the protected port 80 to port 8080 and 443 to 8443 for TC).

I am doing some stress testing on the server and failing miserably.  I am sending around 130 ajax calls in rapid succession using HTTP/2. These are all very simple small page (JSP) requests.  Not a lot of processing required. The first ~75 requests process normally.  Then everything hangs up.  In the tomcat logs I'm getting a bunch of "Timeout waiting to read data from client" exceptions.  And in the stacktrace for these exceptions, they are all occurring when I'm trying to access a parameter from the request.  Looking at the request network timing in the browser console, I see a bunch of the requests returning in typical time of a few milliseconds.  Then another large block of requests that all start returning around 4 seconds, then another block that wait until 8 seconds to return.  I've tried firefox and chrome with the same results.

I've been using httpd in front of TC for years.  So this is the first time I'm running TC standalone.  It is very likely I've got some parameters set horribly wrong.  But I have no clue where to start. This is not a tiny EC2, and my internet connection is not showing any signs of problems.  So I really don't think this is a performance-related problem.  The problem is very consistent and reproducible with the same counts of success/failure calls. What could be causing the "Timeout waiting to read data from client" after 75 calls, and then cause blocks of calls to wait 4 seconds, 8 seconds, etc before responding?  I really need to handle more simultaneous load that this is currently allowing.

Thanks in advance for the education.

Are you using HTTP Keepalives on your connections? Are you actually re-using those connections in your test? What is your keepalive timeout on your <Connector>. Actually, what is your whole <Connector> configuration?


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