After many loops through this, I'm pretty certain my datasource factory is simply never added to the context as per the SEVERE message.

Any other combinations of lookups generates a NamingException.

This verbose approach demonstrates that the key is in the map and it is mapped to null.
    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
    Context sgsContext  = (Context) ic.lookup("java:/comp/env");
    Context jctx = (Context) sgsContext.lookup("jdbc");
    dataSource = (PerUserPoolDataSource) jctx.lookup("sgsdb");

gets to the last line with a valid "jctx" but still returns null (and NOT a NamingException)

    // normally I would do just two lookups
    //Context sgsContext  = (Context) ic.lookup("java:/comp/env");
    //dataSource = (PerUserPoolDataSource) sgsContext.lookup("jdbc/sgsdb");

In NamingContextListener.addResource(ContextResource resorce) (9.0.41), Lines 1011-1028

   if (("javax.sql.DataSource".equals(ref.getClassName())  ||
        "javax.sql.XADataSource".equals(ref.getClassName())) &&
            resource.getSingleton()) {
        Object actualResource =null;
        try {
            ObjectName on = createObjectName(resource);
            actualResource =envCtx.lookup(resource.getName());
        }catch (Exception e) {
            log.warn(sm.getString("naming.jmxRegistrationFailed", e));
        // Bug 63210. DBCP2 DataSources require an explicit close. This goes
   // further and cleans up and AutoCloseable DataSource by default. if 
(actualResourceinstanceof AutoCloseable && 
!resource.getCloseMethodConfigured()) {

The lookup setting actualResource (line 1017) returns null.  This uses the passed in resource which has name = "jdbc/sgsdb" and lookupName = null.  That no resource is found makes sense since it's being registered and registerComponent refuses to register a null value.

I have no idea why the actualResource (a DataSource Factory) is not available.

On 1/8/21 9:11 AM, Rob Sargent wrote:
I'm getting the following error message during startup

   SEVERE: Cannot register null bean for

with sgs/META-INF/context.xml as

   <Context reloadable="true">

        // a dozen attribute elided.


and sgs/WEB-INF/web.xml as

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
   <web-app xmlns="";
        <description>Enable debugging for the application</description>
        <description>Pointer to context datasource</description>

Deep down in NamingContextListen

   actualResource =envCtx.lookup(resource.getName());

fails, setting actualResource to null and resource.getName() is "jdbc/sgsdb"

I can get the env values (some of which are superfluous) in my app, but I cannot get the DataSource I think because it isn't there.

I've tried (with castings removed for brevity)

   ctx = initialContext.lookup("java:/comp/env");
   dataSource = ctx.lookup("jdbc/sgsdb");

   dataSource=initialContext.lookup("sgs/jdbc/sgsdb") //with and
   without leading slash

and several permutations of these.

Where have a gone afoul of the XMLgod(s)?

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