I'm currently running into some peculiar behavior with SNI, and I'm
wondering if any of you might be able to offer suggestions.  I'm not sure
if it's a bad config, a bug, or a limitation of the software.

I have a Tomcat instance that has two SSLHostConfig elements applied.

The first is the default SSLHostConfig.

The second SSLHostConfig has a hostName of HOST.domain.com.  The
Certificate entry for this SSLHostConfig contains a certificate that has
HOST.domain.com in its SAN field.

When I open Chrome and try to load https://HOST.domain.com/, the request
that goes across the wire is for https://host.docfinity.com.  I immediately
receive a security warning from Chrome, and when I look at the certificate
that's returned, it's the certificate for the default host config.

Are SSLHostConfig.hostName attribute values case sensitive in Tomcat?  I
have looked through the documentation and it does not seem to specify
either way.

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