On 01/03/2021 16:03, Jalaj Asher wrote:
I see that the cachingallowed setting is primarily for static content caching.

But considering my application we have a lot of static content data resulting 
in almost 100 to 150 MB of heap memory being used because of this caching.

   1.  Is there any way to do this caching on disk ?

What would be the point of that? That static content is already on disk. It is being cached in memory to improve performance.

   1.  My static content is being cached in the browser on client end . any 
negative repercussions that I should be aware off if I disable caching on the 
tomcat end ? for eg will it impact jsp compilations on the tomcat ? I assume 
not as they are not static but wanted to confirm.

JSP source is static content. Disabling caching may impact JSP compilation time but OS level caching may mitigate that. There many variables that impact performance. The only way to get true sense of the impact is to measure performance with caching enabled and disabled and compare the two.

Generally, deploying your application as a WAR file with unpackWARs="false" has the biggest negative impact on performance. If you deploy with unpackWARs="true" or as a directory then I suspect the difference will be minimal.


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