
> On Mar 2, 2021, at 9:46 AM, Christopher Schultz 
> <> wrote:
> So you just have a single Tomcat node? Yeah, you are going to want to use 
> parallel deployment unless you can be VERY careful about your JVM restarts.
> You will also need to familiarize yourself with using the Manager application 
> because IIRC old versions of the application will not automatically stop and 
> undeploy once their session-count goes to zero. That means if you leave your 
> server running for 1 month and deploy each week, you'll end up with 4 (or 5) 
> copies of the application in memory, most of which are probably no longer 
> used.
> Login with the Manager to see which ones are no longer used and then simply 
> undeploy them to clean up.
Pretty sure I’ll just be careful about how and when I add new customers.  I’m 
not nearly clever enough to properly implement anything more sophisticated.


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