
On 6/18/21 14:36, wrote:
> [snip]
I would only stick to the distro-provided packages, if it is a small
(in other words not that important) application running in Tomcat. Just
for reference: With Ubuntu 18.04, you would end up
with 9.0.16 vs. 9.0.48 (Tomcat project) or 8.5.39 vs. 8.5.68 (Tomcat
project), which is about 2 years old software.
The above statement is *very* misleading.

To understand why it's misleading, you have to understand the Debian "way" of package-management. Ubuntu is Debian-derived and, although they have their own package repositories, etc., they do inherit from upstream and do make some changes on their own separate from upstream.

But the Debian "way" is to pick a package version and stick with it as long as possible, for stability's sake.

The Tomcat team releases new code including all kinds of things (security fixes, bug fixes, new features, etc.) together at once and give it a new version number. It happens ~ once per month these days for the active branches (10/9/8.5).

That 9.0.16 version you quote above is the "base version" you are getting. It doesn't mean it's the same bits that were made available for download starting on 2019-04-13. Both the Debian and the Ubuntu team apply updates to the apache-tomcat-9 package so that although it says 9.0.16, you are really getting their version tomcat9_9.0.16-4~bpo9+1_all (well, that's what Debian says; I don't have Ubuntu handy).

All that junk at the end (-4~bpo9+1_all) indicates the various updates that have been applied after the original 9.0.16. If you read the changelog[1] for Buster, you'll see that it was last updated as recently as 2021-04-12 to apply fixes for CVE-2021-25122 and CVE-2021-25329 (thanks, Emmanuel!). In fact, in Buster, you are getting 9.0.31. I'll bet if you look at the Ubuntu changelog for your package, you'll find something similar.

If you are getting 9.0.16 from your Ubuntu repository, I think you may be getting "left behind" by something. The current Ubuntu package should actually be a base version of 9.0.43. Older versions of Ubuntu have older base Tomcat versions.

For any errors you might get on distro packages, first hint would
most likely be to update to a recent Tomcat version. Even if security
fixed are backported by the distro, you would end up with versions
missing a lot of fixes and improvements.
Again, distros like Debian focus on stability, so only security fixes. You can also subscribe to the "backports" channels as well which can sometimes get you more up-to-date packages if you'd like something more current.



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