
On 8/31/21 09:54, rinilnath r wrote:
On 8/31/21 09:23, rinilnath r wrote:
I am using tomcat Http11nio2protocol. I configured it in server XML.

When I start the server it failed to start

UnsupportedOperationException. SO_LINGER not supported

Any help please?

Please post:

1. Your Java version
2. Your OS and version
3. Your <Connector> configuration, minus any secrets you may have
> [Tomcat 9.0.5]
> Java : 1.8.0_45
> OS : Windows 7
>   <Connector executor="tomcatThreadPool" port="8080"
> protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Nio2Protocol"
> connectionTimeout="60000" maxConnections "10000" redirect Port="8443"
> enableLookups "false" acceptCount="100" maxPostSize "10485760"
> maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" compression="on" disableUploadrimeout="true"
> compressionMinSize="2048" acceptor ThreadCount="2" compressableMimeType=
> "text/html,text/plain, text/css, application/javascript, application/json, > application/x-font-ttf, application/x-font-otf, imag e/svg+xml image/jpeg,
> image/png,image/gif, audio/mpeg, video/mp4" URIEncoding="utf-8"
> processorCache="20000" tepNoDelay= "true" connectioniLinger="5" server
> ="Server Version 11.0"/>

There are some typos in that configuration (e.g. "tepNoDelay", "connectioniLinger", missing = signs, extra spaces, etc.). Did you copy/paste, or did you re-type it?


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