Hi Team,

I need your help to fix HTTP Host header attacks.
I'm currently in the process of trying to fix a site vulnerability,
basically it is one type of the "Improper Input Handling" attack.

Let's say my website is www.mywebsite.com and there is hacker's website
Whenever there is a request send to www.mywebsite.com with modified "Host"
header point to www.hacker.com, my site will create a redirect to
www.mywebsite.com along with whatever the url it was. e.g.

Host: www.mywebsite.com
GET  www.mywebsite.com/get/some/resources/
Reponse 200 ok

*Hack:*Host: www.hacker.com (#been manually modified)
GET  www.mywebsite.com/get/some/resources/
Response 302
Send another Redirect to www.hacker.com/get/some/resources

I have found this configuration below for tomcat (my application using
Tomcat7) is this works for case? Also I have some existing Host name in
server.xml not sure how to incorporate both Host configuration, please help
me on this.

*Solution I found :*

<Host name="defaultlocalhost" appbase="whatever" >

*My tomcat existing Host configuration:*
<Host name="localhost"  appBase="webapps"
            unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">

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