LOG4J2 allows for multiple keyword types of keyword expansions in the logs.
Keyword expansion is a "great way" to log items possibly only known at run
time. And with trace, debug level logging - Comparing those expanded values
to logged values makes debugging "easier". (The closest you'll get to
breakpoints in production)

The downside (exploit) is when the expansion (lookup) does things a little
too powerfully. Then other folks come along and use that to *chain* other
exploits. Remote LDAP calls were not in mind when the original idea was
presenting a value from "java:comp/env". That's gap #1. Then gap #2 was the
ability for jndi calls via LDAP to allow serialized results to come back.
And the deserialization allowed for arbitrary code execution. WIth a modern
java, the (trivial) de-serialization exploit won't happen. But there are
many other chaining opportunities still out there.

A key takeaway is you might judge individual single exploits not to be bad.
But if you can easily chain multiple ones together, then the black hat
party can begin.


On Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 7:24 PM James H. H. Lampert
<jam...@touchtonecorp.com.invalid> wrote:

> I can *barely* wrap my mind around the idea of getting executable code
> from an RMI server, but what legitimate purpose could be served by
> allowing a *logger* to resolve executable code?

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