Am 30.12.2021 um 12:24 schrieb Mark Thomas:
On 29/12/2021 21:04, Eric Robinson wrote:


My question is, is there a better way?

I can only think of variations on a theme.

The ~64k limit assumes client IP, server IP and server port remain constant. i.e. just client port is varying.

That suggests there is a single IP for the database server and that it is listening on a single port.

You are currently varying client IP. Varying server IP is unlikely to be any different in terms of ease of management etc.

There may be more mileage in getting the database server to listen on more than one port. It depends how the database sever is structured. If it can have multiple listeners all passing connections to the same database instance then adding db listeners might be a simpler way to manage this.


A third option could be to add something between database client and server. Something on layer 4 like multiple HAProxy servers or simple NAT gateways. Or more complex on layer 7 specfic products like ProxySQL or MaxScale. They could even pool connections and reduce the load on the database server. But this all adds complexity and new ways to fail.

The easiest solution in terms of implementation and operation is the one Mark suggested: add multiple ip addresses and/or ports to your database listener.



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