HI John,

Thankyou kindly for taking the time here. 

First of all looking back at the historical chart for the day I observed node 2 
rise in cpu activity about 11am this morning and stayed high node1 has dropped 
back to idle.

##Do you know for sure that its the Tomcat process that is using the CPU?##
A simple top -i showing the only process still running here at 189% is a java 
process under tomcat account.

24667 tomcat    20   0  365.6g  17.2g  23080 S 189.7 54.9   2663:45 java

I have taken 2 dumps here 10 secs apart if this helps at all? 



We do have Prometheus hooked in via jmx with Grafana but im struggling to see 
anything glaring apart from GC I see old Gen taking about 5hrs before it drops 
back one node2 as opposed to 3 on node 1. 

-----Original Message-----
From: john.e.gr...@wellsfargo.com.INVALID <john.e.gr...@wellsfargo.com.INVALID> 
Sent: 03 February 2022 19:33
To: users@tomcat.apache.org
Subject: RE: help with high cpu usage


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan F <shiva...@hotmail.com>
> Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2022 12:19 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List <users@tomcat.apache.org>
> Subject: help with high cpu usage
> Had some issues today with one prod host. One is fine the other has 
> stuck around 80%Cpu.
> Ive taken a thread dump from both hosts and would appreciate someone 
> give a once over what it may be before I kill and restart. They are 
> clustered nodes so running identical apps and loadbalanced by a hardware 
> balancer.
> Node1 is ok (relatively!)
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fastthread.io/my-thread-
> report.jsp?p=c2hhcmVkLzIwMjIvMDIvMy8tLWFwaS1hODllYzBkZS01OGJjLTQ
> 2ZDQtYWRhNS1kYjkxZjM2NjI1ZTAudHh0&__;!!F9svGWnIaVPGSwU!91fvMc
> RzcMYr95RrClT-eCrcDNp3fKUDpupDSNtn-mDKbTl_dmUSa0LaAolXlhipl-
> Fk2pQ$
> Node 2 still has high CPU usage
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fastthread.io/my-thread-
> report.jsp?p=c2hhcmVkLzIwMjIvMDIvMy8tLWFwaS0yN2I0YWY4Mi05OWFhL
> TQ3YjYtOGQ2My0wMDMwZjlkNDQzNjMudHh0&__;!!F9svGWnIaVPGSwU!9
> 1fvMcRzcMYr95RrClT-eCrcDNp3fKUDpupDSNtn-
> mDKbTl_dmUSa0LaAolXlhipkmLFr3E$

Taking thread dumps was a good idea but I see very little activity on node 2.  
It looks like two threads are in Hibernate's 
EntityEntryContext.downgradeLocks() method, one is taking the thread dump 
itself, and another is reading a request from a client, I think.  I would not 
expect this to add up to 80% CPU usage unless one of those threads is stuck in 
a loop.  Comparing multiple thread dumps taken 5-10 seconds apart would help 
answer this question.  How much GC is there?  Could these Hibernate queries be 
pulling a huge amount of data from the DB, thus causing a lot of GC activity?

Node 1 looks idle except for the thread taking the thread dump.

Do you know for sure that it's the Tomcat process that is using the CPU?

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