
On 4/5/22 10:33, Joel Griffith wrote:
I'm running a webapp under Tomcat 9 on Ubuntu 20.04.  We run Tomcat as an
ad-hoc system user who owns the Tomcat installation files.

On Friday, the app stopped working.  Over the weekend, I determined that
the problem was that something had reset the ownership of the Tomcat
installation files to the 'tomcat' user so that the webapp no longer had
permission to access its own files.  I had to spend a couple of days poring
through my notes to figure out what ownership was required for what files
and then manually change everything that needed it back to our ad-hoc user.

Since this change affected only Tomcat files, I can only guess that an
update from Tomcat altered the ownership of these files.  Did any recent
Tomcat update change file and folder ownership of the Tomcat installation
to force them to the 'tomcat' user?

The Tomcat distribution is just a tarball. When you untar it, you get the current-user as the owner of the files.

Tomcat has no installer for *NIX systems.

If you use a third-party package for Tomcat (e.g. apt-get), you may be seeing something coming from /them/. did you recently get any new updates from Ubuntu or any other repositories you use?


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