On 10/06/2022 07:19, Jean Pierre URKENS wrote:
Could it depend on whether 'suspend=n' or 'suspend=y' is set on the jdwp

I haven't tested that. Have you?

My expectation is that it wouldn't have an impact since that option just suspends the VM on start until the debugger attaches. I don't see any reason why that would impact behaviour during JVM shutdown.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org>
Sent: woensdag 8 juni 2022 14:50
To: users@tomcat.apache.org
Subject: Re: Debugging Tomcat during shutdown

On 08/06/2022 13:39, Jean Pierre URKENS wrote:
Indeed the servlet#destroy() method is called.

That is however not the issue I was troubleshooting, I just mentioned
it as an example of a method I can't debug since the debug session is
killed before hitting the servlet#destroy() method.

I can't recreate that problem. I have tested with 10.1.x, 8.5.x and
8.5.43 and in all cases, as long as I make sure a servlet has been loaded,
execution stops at the breakpoint I have set.

What I am actually was trying to troubleshoot is spring context
cleanup which seems to happen after the servlet cleanups. Here e.g.
the stacktrace I was tackling:




In the meantime I know why the NPE occurs, but it bothered me that I
couldn’t debug through it (debug session got killed before hitting any
breakpoint I activated, e.g. in Serverimpl#stop()).

That is odd. I'd expect the debug session to be active as long as the JVM
was running.

One thing you could try is adding an additional breakpoint to the finally
block in StandardServer.await(). That should allow you to control the
shutdown process.

A final thought. Are you sure you have the right source code in your IDE?
While RHEL may based Tomcat 8.5.x on 8.5.43 they will have back-ported
security and other fixes so the 8.5.43 source code from the ASF is unlikely
to be a prefect match to what you have running. Often you can get away with
it, but sometimes I have had issues with breakpoints not activating because
I was using the wrong source code.

Glad you fixed the NPE anyway.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org>
Sent: woensdag 8 juni 2022 14:23
To: users@tomcat.apache.org
Subject: Re: Debugging Tomcat during shutdown

On 08/06/2022 11:54, Jean Pierre URKENS wrote:

Hi Mark,

I know the version is quite old, but that is what the client

has installed.


I  am shutting Tomcat down with ${TOMCAT_HOME}/bin/shutdown.sh (RHEL

7.x server).

Good. I think that is likely to be the best option in this case.

We've got TOMCAT_HOME under '/opt/tomcat8' and several TOMCAT_BASE

server instances.

When you say servlet clean-up actions, what exactly do you mean? The

Servlet.destroy() method?

Generally, I'd recommend a ServletContextListener for resource clean-up.

Partly that is personal preference - I find it cleaner if all the code
is in one place - and partly it is avoiding potential issues around
containers destroying unused servlets while the web app is running.

(all) containers won't do this but you never know.

Meanwhile, I'm planning on some local testing to see if I can recreate
the issue you are seeing.



-----Original Message-----

From: Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org>

Sent: woensdag 8 juni 2022 12:45

To: users@tomcat.apache.org

Subject: Re: Debugging Tomcat during shutdown

On 08/06/2022 11:29, Jean Pierre URKENS wrote:

I am trying to debug the cleanup of resources during a shutdown of



That is a rather old version. I'd recommend upgrading.

and notices that my debug session gets killed prior to performing

servlet cleanup actions.

I am starting Tomcat in debug mode with the JVM options:



Is this normal behavior? How do I debug tomcat in this scenario.

How are you triggering shutdown?



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