
On 7/21/22 04:39, Zdeněk Henek wrote:

Our application is tested with Weblogic and Tomcat. I was asked to port our
application to any free application server or web container. I picked
Tomcat 5.5, now we are on Tomcat 9. I have to say maintaining our app and
its installer for Tomcat is very easy. Very good backward compatibility and
for development all of us in our development team use Tomcat.

There is one point where you may need to consider using Tomcat or something
else. Tomcat implements a subset of Jakarta EE / Java EE standards. Best
overview I know about is here https://tomcat.apache.org/whichversion.html

This one is pretty good because it shows all the stuff Tomcat doesn't have:

Some other Jakarta EE / Java EE spec implementations could be added to
Tomcat without problems. Another option is using the full Jakartra EE
application server as GlassFish. These may be more complex to configure or
use in development, but I don't have any experience with Payara or
GlassFish to compare. Weblogic is a bit harder to use for development when
I compare it with Tomcat.

Don't forget about TomEE, which uses Tomcat as its underlying servlet, etc. container and layers other EE tech on top of it. It comes in a few flavors so you don't need 500 libraries deployed into a server that only needs 4-5 of them.


On Wed, Jul 13, 2022 at 12:00 AM Amn <amnoje...@gmail.com> wrote:

Nu-B here.

Reading about Payara, GlassFish and Tomcat, I feel confused as to which
would be the best server to learn about when learning Jakarta EE.
Any suggestions?

*Using Fire Fox and Thunderbird.*
Developing for Android using Java, C/C++, HTM/CSS and SQLite as our
platform has been exciting and most rewarding.
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