No, I haven’t seen those replies, but I have changed from JavaFX to Jakarta, as 
StackOverflow suggested that, too.
What I’m experiencing now, is the old version of my HelloWorld class running, 
when I’ve updated it slightly, have recompiled it, and have placed the new 
class file in the webapps directory.
Do you, or does anybody else have sny servlet book suggestions?
Amazon only had this and one other that was even older.

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On Friday, January 13, 2023, 8:23 AM, Christopher Schultz 
<> wrote:


On 1/12/23 18:18, Anthony Dell'Anno wrote:
> Good evening everyone,
> I am just starting out with Java servlets in Tomcat 10.1.4.
> I’m learning them using a book written in 2010, of which I don’t remember the 
> authors’ names.

Just FYI, a book written in 2010 will be using the Java EE or old 
servlet, etc. package names while Tomcat 10 will want you to use the new 
ones. Without going into too much detail, you basically want to change 
every instance of:




> The book does a good job of explaining code samples, but doesn’t
> describe any solutions to HTTP errors.
That's appropriate, depending on the error(s) you are seeing. A book 
about Java servlets and containers is already going to be pretty long; 
adding the details of HTTP would roughly double the size of the book.

> I have a HelloWorld servlet, located in my
> tomcat_home/webapps/servlet_files/classes/hello_app directory, with
> the corresponding web.xml file located just outside of that folder.
> The same directory structure is the same for servlet #2. The URL
> pattern for HelloWorld is /HelloWorld, and the second servlet’s
> web.xml URL pattern is /HelloWorld_Two. In both instances, I receive
> HTTPError 404 messages when attempting to run either of them. >
> Can anybody help me?

Did you see any of the replies sent back to this list on this topic from 
Jan 10th and Jan 11th? I think there are already some ideas in there, 
and some questions, too.


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