Hi Mark Thomas and Tomcat Team,

We have a strange issue with Tomcat 9.0.72.  All 204 response does not
complete in firefox.  It works in the Chrome browser.  If we downgrade
the tomcat
version is less than .72. Everything works on all browsers.


Tomcat Change Log:

66442 <https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=66442>: When an
HTTP/2 response must not include a body, ensure that the end of stream flag
is set on the headers frame and that no data frame is sent. (markt)

You can see the fist request does not complete at all:
[image: image.png]

Can you please check this in firefox 2?  We tried the older version of
firefox 2 same issue.

[image: image.png]



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