I was able to migrate applications to Spring Boot 3 / Spring 6 (standalone or 
running on Tomcat 10) so long as authentication was NOT through Azure AD.

But when I tried to migrate applications that used Microsoft's 
spring-cloud-azure-starter-active-directory for authentication of 2-step 
authenticated webapps (the preferred approach) I started to get this error 
during application deploy to Tomcat 10:

Cannot cast ch.qos.logback.classic.servlet.LogbackServletContainerInitializer 
to jakarta.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer

My suspicion is that Microsoft's latest implementation is not compatible with 
Tomcat's approach to support log4j logging (as far as I know the approach has 
been around since at least Tomcat 9).  But of course I could be wrong.   Has 
anybody had any success?  Was there any trick to migrating to Spring Boot 3 / 
Spring 6 / Tomcat 10 with 2-step authentication and authorization using Azure 

NOTE:  I did succeed with 2-step auth with Azure AD when I dropped the 
Microsoft spring-cloud-azure-starter-active-directory dependency and instead 
used the raw OAuth2 approach to connect to Azure AD.  The problem though is 
that roles defined in Azure are not coming through to the GrantedAuthorities of 
the SecurityContext or Principal.  I know I could extract the UPN from the 
Principal and then define the AD Groups in the on-premises AD instead of Azure 
AD, but that would require code changes and what is worse it would make me 
hostage to the availability of sysadmins that manage our on-premises AD... 
meaning weeks of delay for new AD groups.  It is a hack that I'd rather not use 
if Azure authorization can be made to work properly.

Any other advice will be welcome too.


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